Let eyes be opened. Bigger imagination but lesser in action continue to put human race in the pit of failure. One must see this not only as a small black spot of ink in the paper, but rather,we must view it in its totality. Doing a rightfully action conquers human insecurities, revitalize our courage and gather us together in the attainment of our highly ambitioned successful life.
The adversities that continue to challenge human strength put a great emphasis in awaking them to rise up and face the trials. Thought that lies beneath the deepest corner of their mind mus be expressed, must be spoken, actions must be viewed and the totality of itself must show its dominion.
Exaggerations are over expressions and yet sometimes, we need to exaggerate to hold the flame, the flame that will heat our desires and will cover us with warmth in time of snowy days. A successful life depends to ourselves, if we do not take actions regarding with our dreams, dreams will be dreams forever. Thus, we must always put in our mindset that thought and actions must go hand in hand to further explore the wide arena of the world.