back story
purely imagination

Few year ago, a city named Nadal practiced a ritual of killing female infants. This practice brought fear to the people of having a baby girl; every house is inspected at night.
In that place, there was a couple who have no child, they kept on praying to God to have a baby. God granted them a baby girl. When they learned it, they were so scared. She was their first baby and they really loved her. They tried to hide their baby, they transferred to a place near the foot of the mountain, but their secret did not keep long. It was rainy day when one of the soldiers passed in their house, the soldier saw the baby and reported immediately to the leader, An active response was given, 20 soldiers were sent-off in the house. When the couple had learned it, they tried to hide but the soldiers captured them. They were placed in a dungeon, the parents could do nothing, so they keep on praying and crying. The officers had decided to kill the baby in the dungeon, in front of the parents. The couple were chained, they couldn't move, they close their and wait for the dreary sight. The bay girl was put in the basket, ready to be killed but a great strike of light appeared and made the soldiers blind. The parents were surprised, the chain was unlocked, and they hurriedly get their baby. When they got out, a loud explosion inside was heard. The dungeon buried all the soldiers alive. The terrible sight made the people realized their mistake. The baby girl became their inspiration and live happily. They abolished the law and live prosperously without worrying of having a baby girl.
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