Guido, a Jew met the princess of his life, Dora. He fell in love with this girl and always finds a way to see her. After his so-called courtship with Dora, they finally became connected to each other. They got married and had a son named Joshua, a very cute little boy who wanted a tank as his toy.
Their family lived a happy and contented life, but it seems fate challenges them when Guido and his son was persecuted by the Germans. At that time, Jews are discriminated in Dora's country. All Jews were gathered and placed in a headquarter, at the same time their jail. When Dora learned about this, without hesitation, she also mounted to the train where Guido and their son was placed.
In the headquarters, men are separated from girls, so Guido and Dora did not have the chance to see each other. As for Joshua, to avoid him in fear, Guido managed to the mind of the child that they are in a game where the prize is a real "tank". fascinated by the prize, Joshua obeys what his father tells him.
Their family lived a happy and contented life, but it seems fate challenges them when Guido and his son was persecuted by the Germans. At that time, Jews are discriminated in Dora's country. All Jews were gathered and placed in a headquarter, at the same time their jail. When Dora learned about this, without hesitation, she also mounted to the train where Guido and their son was placed.
In the headquarters, men are separated from girls, so Guido and Dora did not have the chance to see each other. As for Joshua, to avoid him in fear, Guido managed to the mind of the child that they are in a game where the prize is a real "tank". fascinated by the prize, Joshua obeys what his father tells him.

As the Jews continued to work, they are also being checked by the Doctors and Generals. It so happened that this Doctor was a friend of Guido. This Doctor was so amazed with riddles and cannot sleep unless he solved the problem.
This Doctor wanted to help him but it seems fate really blocks their way. A war spread between the Americans and Germans. Guido advised his son to hide in a cabinet and should not go out unless the noises are gone. Guido left his son to find Dora but the Germans caught him. he was killed by a bullet.
As for the war, the American dominated the Germans, they freed the Jews. Joshua saw a real tank and thought that they won in the game and the tank was their prize. The American soldier took Joshua to ride in the tank, on their way Joshua saw her mother. A smile war drwn in their lips and they hugged each other.

1. GUIDO- a clever man in his own way. He is very wise iun answering riddles. He's a man with dignity, strong-willed in attaining his goals in life. Despite the struggles they experienced, he still managed to smile just to show to his son that everythig was all right.
2. DORA- a beautiful lady who captured the heart of Guido. She's a woman imbued with beauty and love. She was determined to complete her family, thus, without doubt, followed her husband and son in the place where they are treates as a slave.
3. JOSHUA- a smart boy. He always obey what his parents tell him. He is very observant, despite that he's still a child, he always ask questions about everything.
The problem in their life makes tis boy strong, courageous enough to face new challenges.
4. DOCTOR- always amazed in riddles, he cannot sleep unlesds a riddle was solved. He's a friend of Guido and wanted to help them.
5. BARTOLOMEO- a Jew met by Guido in the headquarters.
The movie was played with the classic music where it fitted to what is being portrayed by the characters. The costumes are of that 1930's as well as with their architectural designs. Modern technologies are absent in the film.
As for the light settings, it clearly show-off the characters situation. It provides what is necessary. The use of colors are in time indicated above.
2. DORA- a beautiful lady who captured the heart of Guido. She's a woman imbued with beauty and love. She was determined to complete her family, thus, without doubt, followed her husband and son in the place where they are treates as a slave.
3. JOSHUA- a smart boy. He always obey what his parents tell him. He is very observant, despite that he's still a child, he always ask questions about everything.
The problem in their life makes tis boy strong, courageous enough to face new challenges.
4. DOCTOR- always amazed in riddles, he cannot sleep unlesds a riddle was solved. He's a friend of Guido and wanted to help them.
5. BARTOLOMEO- a Jew met by Guido in the headquarters.

The movie was played with the classic music where it fitted to what is being portrayed by the characters. The costumes are of that 1930's as well as with their architectural designs. Modern technologies are absent in the film.
As for the light settings, it clearly show-off the characters situation. It provides what is necessary. The use of colors are in time indicated above.

Life is like a wheel, sometimes your up, sometimes your down. Although problems strikes you, we should stand still, be optimistic, for the sun will still shine to us.
Our love will serve as our inspiration and courage to face the challenges. We should not lose hope, this challenges are just a trial to make us strong, make us mature and make us aware of the realities.
1 comment:
waaa!!!!!!!! so nami xa!!
di ko lang kau feel ang ending^^
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